Cinematographer | Editor

Last event of the season. Kind of a bummer again with the car breaking and such, but the best Dan’s done all season so kind of a success?
Needless to say we still had fun; hit up LA in the FD car which was retarded ridiculously awesome. I wanted to catch more of the crazy looks people were giving us but I just couldn’t get a good one.. Also we managed to sneak in an amazing Fast and the Furious Neptune’s Net tribute, in true Malibu fashion. And old surfer dude came up to us to tell us he liked the car, and I’m not kidding you, he sounded exactly like Dan was talking. Exactly. Another one of those moments where I kicked myself because I wasn’t recording.. (And in case you haven’t seen it, here’s our favorite surfer: “The Illusion”, that Dan so perfectly imitated in that scene. Kinda farmed it there.)

Soo the season’s done but we’ve got some more stuff up our sleeve so keep an eye out for more Officer Dan shenanigans. A big thanks to everyone who watched and contributed to these videos for the past 9 months! <3