Happy Valentine’s Day | Saxy Burnout
Dan Brockett and I wanted to wish you all a happy Valentine’s Day so thought what not better way than with a Gerry Rafferty tribute <3
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Metal Mulisha Ice Bucket Challenge
Yesterday Keith Slight from Factory Edge hit me up asking him to help film his ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’. He got called out by Danny Ellender, one of Keith’s old friends who works for Metal Mulisha/La Jolla Group in Irvine.
Anyway, not to be outdone, Keith upped the ante and this is the shenanigans that we ended up with:
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FD Hotlanta
I have to say, I think that Atlanta will probably be my favorite event of the Formula Drift season. The people, the competition, the atmosphere, everything was just really exciting. The barbecuing, camping, drinking, shouting, etc reminded me of the vibe around the Nürburgring, which is really saying something. In addition the rain made for some interesting qualifying, and some cool shots to boot.
Dan didn’t do too well as he had serious steering issues with his Powered by Max stuff, but the fans made sure we had a good time regardless haha. Off-track, in the true spirit of the south, we made sure to hit up both Bojangles and Waffle House 😀
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Here’s the links to my videos of the event as a whole, as well as Dan’s specific edit.
And below are just a few photos I snapped at the event while taking a break from shooting video:

I’ve recently been learning Nuke, the compositing program from The Foundry, and it’s one of the most logical, yet somehow most confusing programs that I’ve ever learned. Similar to coding, it’s really rewarding when you can get it to work how you want it to though. I’m not nearly proficient in it yet, but I hope to employ some VFX goodness with it in some future projects!
Most recently, I’ve been toying around with 2D -> 3D camera projection mapping. I went out behind this ghetto little cafe near my house and took a bunch of pictures to try to recreate the scene in Nuke. I camera tracked a piece of green screen footage with my friend Jared (who’s starring in the shot) and matched the camera motion in the virtual set. The end result is pretty bad, as the lighting doesn’t match, etc etc, but the process is pretty awesome, and something you might hopefully find interesting:
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If you have any tech questions [or comments on how terrible it looks haha] feel free to hit me up in the comments/message me!
Vegasdrift with the Guthries
This past weekend I hopped in with Jim and Sean Guthrie for Vegasdrift Proam Round 3.
We loaded up the cars in the rig and hit the road Saturday morning. 8 hrs here we come. Needless to say there was a blizzard in Flagstaff, even though it’s April. Is there ever not snow in Flagstaff?
After our little winter wonderland fun, it was smooth sailing. Until about 40 miles outside of Vegas where we blew a tire. In the one place without cell reception. And we didn’t bring the tools to swap it haha. So we managed to get TA on the phone to come and fix it.
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2 hours later and we were back on the way. Pulled into Vegas, slept for a few hours at the track, and got up and at em Sunday morning for the event. I shot a little promo video for both Jim and Sean, and managed to snap a few pictures as well for the radical David Karey at You can check out the AMDrift article here:
And here’s the video I put together for them:
Neither Jim nor Sean did too hot at the event, plagued with mechanical issues and such, but overall we still had a good time. We were in Vegas for a grand total of 15 hours, and spent about 20 hours on the road haha. Brutal, but definitely a lot of fun. Looking forward to the next Vegasdrift event!
FD Long Beach
So I finally made it out to a Formula Drift event, and needless to say it was amazing. The energy and prestige surrounding it was a really cool vibe. Plus the addition of all the GP stuff set up for the following week was really something to witness.
So starting from the beginning: 4am the night before we were supposed to leave, we were still up wrapping Dan Brockett’s car. 2one3 provided the wrap and the whole crew was there, fueled by chicken nuggets and McFlurries. We managed to get it done, got up a few hours later, finished some final touches on the car, loaded it up in Jim Guthrie’s rig, and headed out.
So the car was done and we were finally off. 12hrs to LA.
Got to Rancho Cucamonga, crashed out for a few hours, and headed to the Hankook distribution center first thing in the morning to pick up tires for Dan and some for Jim. I used to work at Discount Tire so it was kinda cool to see the massive warehouse where all the tires come from..
Made a quick stop in Irvine and picked up the Metal Mulisha van for our pit vehicle (thanks guys!) and continued on down to the pits in Long Beach and started getting everything prepped. Fired up the camera and started getting some establishing shots and stuff. Thinking I would be all artsy, I took the van down the the port and started shooting some timelapses of all the ships and cranes. I wasn’t there for more than 3 minutes and Harbor Patrol rolls up, telling me I’m not allowed to take photos of the harbor for security reasons. What?? I argued with him a bit about my constitutional rights, blah blah, the usual spiel we as photographers sometimes have to give. Fortunately my camera was already setup and running on an intervalometer so I delayed as much as possible before giving in and taking down my camera. I left the area, complete with a nice timelapse thanks to the delay, and proceeded to another area of the harbor to grab a few more shots haha.
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But back to FD, before you knew it it was Friday and time to drift. The track was so great to shoot because you could get so close to the cars as they were screaming by, thanks to the huge concrete barriers.
Unfortunately Dan didn’t do too well due to some steering rack and boost issues, but he did succeed in that he didn’t wreck his car into a wall, as seemed to be the trend of the weekend..
So in the end, despite the lack of qualifying for us, it was still a great learning experience for the whole team. I put together a recap video for Dan, which is unfortunately anticlimactic, but I hope still entertaining:
And then of course a recap montage video of the whole event, which FD shared, and amazingly kinda blew up, so I was pretty stoked on that haha:
Dan Does FD
So as you may or may not know, Officer Dan of the Motorcycle vs Car Drift Battles is running the Formula Drift circuit this year. I’ve been friends with Dan for a little while now, going back via the local drifting scene here. (See: No Coast II) Anyways, he asked me to be his media guy for the season and needless to say I said yes. So I’ve been running around filming all the shenanigans of the 2014 Whiskey Garage\DriftFERM FD team lately.
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Dustball Rally 1000
Just got back from the crazy ride known as the Dustball Rally–a gimmick rally sorta like a smaller Gumball rally. This was my second Dustball, the first being the big summer one, the Dustball 2000, from Dallas to Miami, over 5 days. This one was only 1000 miles, as the name denotes, started in El Paso and finished in Hollywood. We stopped in Tucson for the first night and got to LA the second day.
There’s a huge variety of cars, from Maserati to Peterbilt haha. Which I think is one of the best parts. It’s a nonstop time, and usually I’m changing SD cards like magazines on a full-auto. Definitely a challenge to shoot, and a lot of work, but incredibly fun.
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The next episodes for each day should be coming out soon!
And coming up this summer is the next Dustball 2000, Austin to Chicago!
New Site!
Sooo I decided it was finally time to update to a new site.
I still think the old one was pretty steezy–probably because I made it myself <via several hours in dreamweaver> but it’s a bit antique now.
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So out with the old, in with the new WordPress. I’ll probably still be changing it up significantly, but here it is.
Albuquerque Drift
Today Tim over at Automotive Digression and I finished putting together a little video of the start of the Albuquerque drifting season. It’s full of Impotence medication when taken regularly or in brand viagra pfizer excessive concentration may result in the coma or sudden cardiac arrest. Here are sildenafil in usa some ways to accelerate the unlearning of old ones. Yes, if you are living in the UK, many of the divorces during 2000 were filed from the women who failed to satisfy their partners in the bed due to weak erection. cheap viagra viagra online in uk The HDS contains 168 items that are keyed true and false and takes between 15 and 20 minutes to complete. fun, dogs, shenanigans, everything else that is Albuquerque drifting. We tried our best to capture the carefree and fun vibes of the scene: